Monday, June 25, 2007

6/6/07 Newsletter

In BOICE MAIL this week...

"Pic" of the week:

Sometimes you need to read the fine print
Want to create your own “Caution” sign? Go to

Headline Mortgage News:

“US house sales soar on dive-bombing prices” …”The worst is clearly behind us”

Is there any strong segment in the real estate market? Sure…foreclosures. Click here for a recent article from RealtyTrac:

0.5% decrease in the U.S. Leading Indicator is due primarily to a decrease in building permits. See details in this article from the Conference Board:

Housing affordability – The percentage of households who can afford an entry-level home in California is 25% according to this CAR article:

New technology could hammer the spammers; Preliminary approval has been given to a “promising antispam technique” according to this C/Net News article:

Contruction spending continues it 13 month slowdown. This link will take you to a US Census Bureau report:

How can you tell when the homeowner designed the home himself?
Appraisers call this "functional obsolescense".

Thought for the Week:

Albert Einstein’s formula for success:
“If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut.”

How to keep more of your own paycheck:

Do you ever listen to Clark Howard on the radio? He’s really great and knows how to help us average Joe’s save our hard-earned money. Here is what he had to say last week:

Have you heard of airfare envy? It’s when you buy a ticket and find the same itinerary for less money afterward. The good news is that there are a handful of airlines that will give you a voucher for the difference if you ask. They are Alaska, Southwest, United, USAir and JetBlue. So how do you know if the fare goes down on your particular flight? There is now a site that e-mails you when your flight goes down in price. It's called and you must register to get the alerts. Then, you must jump on the deal immediately. Of course, it will take a little while to figure out if it’s worth it. But for now, it’s a great way to save money on flights. On the other hand, keep in mind that some airlines charge outrageous fees if a cheaper flight comes along and you want to buy it. American and Continental charge $100. Delta charges $50, Frontier charges $35 and Northwest charges $25. Shame on those airlines, says Clark.

For more of Clark Howard’s consumer tips, go to

And now, for this week's fun freebies!

Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 - $0.00 (after rebates)

Hundreds of Free Magazines to choose from

Free USB Drive When You Order a Catalog

Thousands of free "How To" Videos. Categories include Automotive, Beauty, Hobbies, Crafts, Food & Drink, Lots More

And finally, Appraise That!

The “Kettle House” is located in Galveston, Texas. Originally constructed by a man who built storage tanks for oil companies, the top apparently began to rust and was replaced with a wood frame roof. If you are interested, it doesn’t look currently occupied…

Brought to you by:

885 Woodstock Road, Suite 430-305
Roswell, GA 30075
Office# 770-926-5284
Fax# 866-870-0930
order at:

Love our new "Boice Mail" more than life itself? Sign up on the weekly distribution list by writing to

More pictures of the Kettle House

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All signs need a warning that the sign may be sharp... You can make some other fake sign pics on